Become a Better Leader by Doing This...

Seek Feedback from Employees'

Ask your employees for their feedback.  Test ideas, or solutions to problems with your team.  Their input leads to ownership and buy-in on the final product, and they will support what is developed if they are engaged and included.  Learn what you can do better as a manager.  Conduct an after project review to assess how well things went.  In your one-on-one meetings ask your employees what you should start, stop or continue.

Be Transparent

Share what you can about any changes that are occurring in the organization. Sharing what you know builds trust and trust increases engagement which has an impact on performance.  A fully engaged employee will provide you with 150% performance while a disengaged employee will try to sabotage your efforts.

Develop Relationships

Develop a relationship with your employees to understand the pain points your employees are faced with.  Ask how you can help?  Provide your support and resources where possible.  Understand what their career aspirations are and help them accomplish their goals.

As a final solution to becoming a better leader, you can take the Everything DiSC® personality assessment for management or the Everything DiSC workplace assessment to learn about your personal style and the impact your style has on others.  The Everything DiSC management profile will help you understand how to manage your team, and how to work with your direct manager; while the workplace profile provides you with insight into your personal style and the impact you have on others.

Popular DiSC Profiles 

DiSC Classic 2.0 Plus 

DiSC Classic 2.0

Everything DiSC Workplace Profile

Everything DiSC Management Profile

Everything DiSC Productive Conflict Profile


Additional Articles and Resources

DiSC® Personal Leadership Style